Between the Sheets, in the Streets
Chris Holmlund and 1 more
Not Available
Technologies Of Truth
Toby Miller
Home Movies and Other Necessary Fictions
Michelle Citron
In Stock
£18.89 £20.99
Feminism and Documentary
Diane Waldman and 1 more
Collecting Visible Evidence
Jane Gaines
States Of Emergency
Patricia R Zimmermann
Emile De Antonio
Emile De Antonio and 2 more
Douglas Kellner and 2 more
Women of Vision
Alexandra Juhasz
Wiping the War Paint Off the Lens
Beverly R Singer
An American Family
Jeffrey Ruoff
There's No Place Like Home Video
James M Moran
Nacho López, Mexican Photographer
John Mraz
Jean Rouch and 1 more
Japanese Documentary Films
Abé Mark Nornes
The Subject of Documentary
Michael Renov
F Is for Phony
Alexandra Juhasz and 1 more
Shimmering Screens
Jennifer Deger
Forest of Pressure
Markus Nornes
Circuits of Culture
Jeffrey D Himpele
Documentary Time
Malin Wahlberg
First Person Jewish
Alisa Lebow
Recording Reality, Desiring the Real
Elizabeth Cowie
The Right to Play Oneself
Thomas Waugh
Cinema's Alchemist
Bill Nichols and 1 more
Creating the Witness
Leshu Torchin
Ferocious Reality
Eric Ames
"Night and Fog"
Sylvie Lindeperg